I got the chance to review an innovative AR-15 accessory like no other. The upgraded GMS-15 charging handle from Armageddon Tactical.

The GMS-15 (Gas Management System) has several impressive features that make shooting suppressed a joy. The first being its diagonal hole through the stem of the handle that diverts suppressor gas out of the upper receiver into a cupped area and away from the shooters face. The handle assembly is a two piece design joined by roll pins for a smooth operation and aid in its ambidextrous features. There is a single button in the center of the handle that actuates the handles lever making it easy to use left or right handed.

The newest feature of the possible future design is the gas sealing silicone on the bottom of the handle. This completely seals off the upper receiver with minimal gas escaping to the rear. I was skeptical at first on how this was going to work. After many rounds downrange the conclusion was the silicone insert does help and was a great addition to the already very effective handle design.

Below you can see how the handles silicone insert mates up with the upper receiver. It was a perfect fit into the Aero Precision M4E1 test bed.

The handle was tested in a True Aim Tactical built 14.5 mid length gas system AR-15 with no adjustable gas block, a heavy buffer and an AAC 51t suppressor. Standard PMC 55gr ammo was used for this test.
As you can see below there are no external latches protruding from the handle. With this design there is nothing to get snagged on your clothes or gear but plenty to grab onto for easy manipulation of the handle.

The charging handle does what it was designed to do! The GMS-15 was compared against my current BCM Mod 4 Gunfighter handle which does not have the gas port in the stem or the cup feature of the GMS-15. I have ran many rounds through rifles with BCM handles and Armageddons handle was more comfortable to shoot with suppressed.

Head on over to Armageddons website and pick one up for yourself.
(current design does not have silicone insert)

Thanks to Chris Bailey of Armageddon Tactical for opportunity to review, James Paulhamus "Fobby Photo" for the product photography and Brad Johnson for help during the review.